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Welcome to Chloe Harris' Blog

"Chloe Harris" really is the pseudonym for two writers, Noelle and Barbra, who've joined forces to write intriguing and sexy stories. A quintessential eccentric southerner, Noelle seems to find a story in almost everything. Ever ambitious to change her stars, she has a degree in Communications. Barbra lives together with her cat ('Princess Mimi'), who isn't very happy that she is spending so much time on writing. But this folly of the living can opener with opposable thumbs is mostly tolerated.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Off on a Beauty Tangent

I highly recommend Nair® Pretty™ Glitter Wax Strips for face/bikini
I know this product is marketed to teens and pre-teens but I tried it and it works great and is pretty to boot.The green glittery gel strips are easy to use, there is no mess and grips the hairs just as well or better than any wax or wax like product I’ve tried. The pain level is the same but what are going to do, beauty is pain sometimes. Try it out!


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