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Welcome to Chloe Harris' Blog

"Chloe Harris" really is the pseudonym for two writers, Noelle and Barbra, who've joined forces to write intriguing and sexy stories. A quintessential eccentric southerner, Noelle seems to find a story in almost everything. Ever ambitious to change her stars, she has a degree in Communications. Barbra lives together with her cat ('Princess Mimi'), who isn't very happy that she is spending so much time on writing. But this folly of the living can opener with opposable thumbs is mostly tolerated.

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Anne Elliot and I are One and the Same

I'm just getting the hang of the Facebook thing and I took this quiz there "Which Jane Austen Heroine Are you?" And given that I am about to no longer be a nameless cog in the giant corporate machine the answer was eerily dead on.

Anne Elliot -Persuasion
After living too long with great regret, and resigning yourself to a loveless life, you now posses a desperate bravery to achieve your dreams regardless of the criticism of your closest family and friends. There was a time when you were easily persuaded and unable to make up your own mind, but you are now resolute in your boldness. Your humble determination and willingness to change for the better is an inspiration to others.

Go Me!!!! -Noelle

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