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"Chloe Harris" really is the pseudonym for two writers, Noelle and Barbra, who've joined forces to write intriguing and sexy stories. A quintessential eccentric southerner, Noelle seems to find a story in almost everything. Ever ambitious to change her stars, she has a degree in Communications. Barbra lives together with her cat ('Princess Mimi'), who isn't very happy that she is spending so much time on writing. But this folly of the living can opener with opposable thumbs is mostly tolerated.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010



The Carolina Romance Writers Chapter of RWA is pleased to announce our April Online Workshop:

WORKSHOP: Muse Therapy


DATE: April 5-30, 2010 Standard Workshop

Regular, (Month-long) classes, consisting of at least 2 lessons per week for CRW and HCRW members is $15, all others $25


D. D. Scott style - is all about injecting life into tired and/or stressed out muses. I'll give writers fun and fabulous tools to analyze their muses' funks, reign in their creative divas and up their page counts.

Discover what makes your muses tick. What ticks them off. And what makes them dance like nobody's watching.

We'll name your muses and host a very special meet-and-greet just for them, then dig deep into their psyches by examining "muse disorders" such as:

** Unleashing Your Inner Sybil

** Writing Bi-Polar: I Suck vs. I'm a Genius

** What Do You Mean I'm Neurotic? No, I'm Not. Well, Not Exactly. But Okay...There Are Times When. Like You Need To Know That. Anyway, I Was Thinking, My Jeep Is Red.

** Rorschach For Writers: I See Dead Lines

** Stimulants: When Coffee, Chocolate and Martinis Aren't Enough

Once we recognize, acknowledge and accept our muses' afflictions, we'll find terrific tricks and "trips" to treat our word witches.

I'll provide fabulous hand-outs and super-cool tchotchkes for all participants.

So if your muse is in need of a tune-up, grab a comfy couch or chair and put up your feet. You're in the right therapy session.


D. D. Scott is an agented, romantic comedy writer and muse therapist in the making.

She writes stories with big hearts and a bunch of sass. Once a small town newspaper crime reporter and now a HarperCollins Publishing Returns Center Executive Assistant, D. D. has learned that great fiction comes from the streets as well as which jacket covers meet early deaths.

Ms. Scott's romantic comedies are all about sexy, sassy, smart, career-driven women and the men who complete them. They're a bit chick lit with a gone-country twist. Her series BOOTSCOOTIN' BLAHNIKS - think Sex and The City meets Urban Cowboy - is under consideration by several NY publishers.

She's a member of Indiana RWA as well as RWA's Chick Lit Writers of the World Chapter and ScriptScene RWA. She's been featured in both Indiana RWA's and ScriptScene's chapter newsletters and been a guest blogger on Romance Writers on the Journey. She also has an active blog of her own on her website at http://www.DDScott.com and is linked to on Romancing the Blog.

You can find her online teaching several Muse Therapy Classes. And if you're ready for some Muse Therapy while on the beach, join her in March 2010 in Pensacola FL where she'll be doing a live Muse Therapy Workshop for RWA's Gulf Coast Chapter.

She's currently driving her darling hubby nuts waiting to hear whether her Muse Therapy Article Series will debut in RWR and if she'll be chosen to provide Muse Therapy for RT's 2010 Convention and RWR's 2010 National Conference.

Register at http://www.carolinaromancewriters.com/april10.htm

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