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Welcome to Chloe Harris' Blog

"Chloe Harris" really is the pseudonym for two writers, Noelle and Barbra, who've joined forces to write intriguing and sexy stories. A quintessential eccentric southerner, Noelle seems to find a story in almost everything. Ever ambitious to change her stars, she has a degree in Communications. Barbra lives together with her cat ('Princess Mimi'), who isn't very happy that she is spending so much time on writing. But this folly of the living can opener with opposable thumbs is mostly tolerated.

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lost Things

I was all set to post a link to a great romance parody video at Barbara Vey's blog, Beyond Her Book but sadly coming back from ComicCon her laptop went missing from the plane with the video on it.

I can relate. My purse went missing from my car in my driveway the other night. Now I am stuck with trying to buy another one. I keep purses till they wear out because it takes me soooo loooog to make a decision to buy one. I am not one of those ladies that collect them and I don't normally spend much over 100.00 for one but that doesn't mean I'm not picky.

I loved the last one. Big and black and I bought it to take to the M&M conference two years ago. I got lots of compliments on it even though it was only around 50 bucks or so.

Any advice for picking the perfect purse?

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