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Welcome to Chloe Harris' Blog

"Chloe Harris" really is the pseudonym for two writers, Noelle and Barbra, who've joined forces to write intriguing and sexy stories. A quintessential eccentric southerner, Noelle seems to find a story in almost everything. Ever ambitious to change her stars, she has a degree in Communications. Barbra lives together with her cat ('Princess Mimi'), who isn't very happy that she is spending so much time on writing. But this folly of the living can opener with opposable thumbs is mostly tolerated.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

As Eloise Would Say …"Here’s What I like"

I like that Jane at Dear Author tried to have a discussion about the problems with Paranormal Romance even if it turned into a book list / pimp yourself fest instead of a real dialogue.

I like that we are both blogging regularly now.

I like that Samantha is keeping us company on the blog. It gets lonely around here.

I like a lot of the things happening in Madeline Hunter’s latest book,
The Sins of Lord Easterbrook.

  1. She does a paranormal element the right way. She looks at the hero’s ability in terms of how it effects his relationships with his social network, his family and his heroine in the past, present and future. She uses it to enhance the character and the emotional and internal conflict not to fight bad guys.

  2. She brilliantly deals with a modern and relevant topic like drug addiction within the historical context.

  3. She takes you to China without actually leaving England. Clever Lady.

Speaking of taking romance out of England, I like the things I’ve been reading with non-traditional historical times and setting like Islands by Samantha Kane, a m/m romance set in the Pacific in WWII and At Her Service by Susan Johnson set in Russia and France during the Crimean War.

I really really like that Sunday is Barbra’s Birthday and I hope she has a great day even if my present is going to be late!


Anonymous said...

*lol* I see you only just pretend to have misanthropic tendencies, Noelle! Very nice post.
I'm also very glad that Samantha Kane joins our discussions. It did get a bit lonely. And they say it's only lonely at the top. *tsk tsk* But the view is better I've been told.
I'll check out those books asap!

A few things I like:
* Bach flowers rescue drops
* Hot Chocolate in the morning
* Your mentioning my b-day. It’s nice to be 25. Or a little older. Not much, mind you... ;-) Thank you, Noelle! **HUGS**

Samantha Kane said...

Aw, Noelle, you're so sweet. Thanks! I'll have to check out that Madeleine Hunter, it sounds fabulous.

And Happy Birthday, Barbra!!! I won't sing that annoying waiter happy, happy song. I hate that. Oops, my inner curmudgeon came out. Sorry!

A few things I like:
*Saturdays, when I can answer my email in my pajamas at noon.
*Internet shopping. Um, I may have done that before email. Maybe.
*Spring,which needs to get here NOW.
*Birthdays. Other peoples. ;-D
*Hanging out here.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Samantha!
*LOL* Don't be sorry. I don't like that song either. I guess people over 25 ;-) don't like it...

I completely forgot another thing I like:
* Chilies - There's nothing better than crying your eyes out, hoping that your lips will stop tingling and that you'll feel your tongue again sometime soon. And I'm very proud to say that all 16 chili varieties I planted (including the Red Savina!!!) are already 3 inches and I can start harvesting in about 3 months!